A methodology that changes the way we view and manage human talent in organizations and that we want to recommend so that you can generate a positive memory of your company, is the Employee Experience or also called Employee Experience or Employee Experience.
Employees in different organizations are people who dedicate their time, energy, ideas, dreams to a position or function. Not everything is always rosy, but as employers, we must strive to ensure that the time that employees are in the company is a experience they can remember at the end of the day with peace of mind, happiness and why not expectation and emotion.
Next, we will delve into key milestones to carry it out in your company and what will make the difference in the relationship you currently have with your collaborators or employees.
1. What is Employee Experience?
Let's start with its definition, Employee Experience (EX) refers to the sum of all the experiences that an employee has with an employer, before, during and after joining the organization.
This has several implications that the organization must assume if they really want to live and feel the experience of a collaborator:
1. Get to know the collaborator: Applying different diagnostic tools will be imperative to begin to know current experiences and future expectations, including the Employee Journey, employee archetypes Or the Blueprint.
2. Identify good practices: Researching what actions your competition is carrying out, companies representing other sectors, is an interesting starting point for you to evaluate new ways of doing things and also get inspired to innovate.
3. Co-create the experience: After identifying the experience of your employees, The touchpoints where pain, negative experiences or unmet expectations are being generated, it is necessary involve the collaborator to redesign the ideal experience, feeling actively involved in what you expect your experience to be like.
4. Measuring the experience: Develop a employee voice model is vital for the natural maintenance of the methodology. You need to continue to perform pulses and measurements on a regular basis for the collaborator to give feedback on their experience in implemented redesigns and also their experience during the relationship with the organization.
5. Transforming the experience: To think that the transformation of experience takes place in the short term is a mistake. It is recommended to visualize in the short, medium and long term with managers and the areas necessary for each action and to iterate the road map according to the needs and strategy of the organization.
It is key that you keep in mind that you must Differentiate employee engagement with employee experience, the first being the consequence of implementing Employee Experience and never thinking that they can be synonymous.
2. The GREAT Importance of Employee Experience in Your Organization
You will find many relevant factors that you will see in the following paragraphs, but before developing them, I want to emphasize that the main value of implementing EX is transform the way of seeing employee management and makes it a real focus on human-centered design.
Methodological Structure
It gives you a people-centered methodology and designed based on the expectations, pains, needs and emotions experienced by the employee. In the same way, it helps you to focus your efforts and gives you guidance to surprise your employee or identify what you need to repair so that the employee's experience is so safe, challenging, harmonious so that the collaboration brings out all their talent to want to stay in the organization.
Another aspect that is key and for which the EX becomes important is the measurement of the impact of the initiatives or actions implemented. After Learn about the collaborators' experience at different times of the journey, you have a starting point to establish how far that experience can move after performing any of the actions.
To carry it out, it is not necessary to wait a whole semester or year to know the impact. In the end regular measurement gives you the option to constantly iterate initiatives and adjust it until the expectation is met or exceeded.
Impact on culture
Culture is the main ally of the employee experience, since it is the organic evidence of the transformation that an organization can have when it implements employee experience as a strategy and not like a title.
“The customer is going to be the biggest beneficiary in an organization that implements employee experience”
Impact on customer experience (CX)
El The customer will be the biggest beneficiary in an organization that implements employee experience, since it is possible to identify which interactions impact the relationship with the customer and must be addressed more quickly so as not to affect the customer.
As you may already know after all of the above, the importance of the employee's experience is very broad. To reinforce what has been said, I want to provide as a reference some data that verify the value of EX in organizations.
The Employee Experience is important for:
- Reduce absenteeism (51% *).
- Decrease in security incidents (64% *).
- Increase quality (29% *).
(*) Source Gallup 2020.
And besides, according to Gartner 2019, there is a 31% more likely of employees' intention to remain in the organization if we implement employee experience.
3. How Do You Measure Employee Experience?
One of the differentiating aspects of implementing the employee experience in organizations is the ability to include an employee voice (VoE) model that allows strategic monitoring of actions and experiences experienced by the collaborator throughout their journey.
At present, many organizations have among their measurements the climate, satisfaction, culture surveys, etc. They are intended to measure the general impact of actions implemented, mostly months ago, in the same way as to investigate the increase or decrease of cultural attributes, variability of engagement, among others. This isn't bad in and of itself, but It usually falls short in relationships with employees. It is evident that they can be:
• Long and complex surveys.
• Focus on the work environment.
• Inagile process.
• Slowness in action and responses.
With this as a reference, employee voice models must be dynamic, lightweight and high-impact. In addition, more and more employees want to express their opinions in real time and see the changes made from them.
On the other hand, they are also being more critical and direct in their comments. With this premise, it is vital to structure how these measurements will be carried out in order to obtain more useful results for human talent management.
Among the most representative indicators for measuring experience are:
- ENPS or Employee Net Promoter Score: This is an indicator that measures the loyalty of employees with an intentional recommendation question, it is a variable of engagement that the employee has with the organization.
- Effort: It measures how much effort it takes to collaborate in the relationship with the organization or in the different interactions.
- Permanence: As its name suggests, it is an indicator that shows that the collaborator intends to continue with the organization for so long if his experience continues as he is living it at the moment.
There are other indicators, but they are more related to operability, such as turnover, absenteeism, employee growth, duration of onboarding, among others.
An indicator that can complement experience indicators and that is used in many organizations, is the employee commitment indicator. The important thing is not to take this as the only indicator but accompanied by those of experience.
In addition to the indicators and as mentioned in previous paragraphs, an employee voice model must be implemented.
In VoE models, technology is a fundamental ally to streamline, organize and safeguard the information collected through the different surveys. As well as being able to carry out analyses according to the scope of the measurement, identify advances or setbacks, cross data and monitor the employee's life cycle, in turn systematizing the impact on the business.
4. How Are Customer Experience and Employee Experience Connected?
The employee experience is a fundamental lever for customer experience (CX). It is no secret to anyone that organizations are made up of people and these people are the same people who make the experience that a customer can have (not just front people, but all employees) a reality.
For an experience to be genuine and natural, there is nothing better than the employee feels happy, comfortable and challenged in their workplace and even more so that they feel that what makes the customer live is a reflection of what they also live within the organization.
From the Izo customer experience framework, we have one of ten unique dimensions that focuses on people and culture as a fundamental element involved in the evolution and success of the customer experience.
In addition to this, the ideal is that the vision of the customer and the employee converse towards a common purpose to have coherence between what is sold as a brand and what is experienced as an employee.
One of the most recent investigations revealed by Forbes Insights 2021, states that a good employee experience leads to a good customer experience and, in turn, to a greater expansion of revenues.
5. What Are the Leading Companies in Employee Experience?
More and more companies are getting serious about implementing the employee experience. The firms that continue to lead the first places according to Forbes are: Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Hilton and Southwest Airlines.
Jacob Morgan also brings us some other references from companies, apart from those mentioned, that are carrying the flag in Employee Experience, which are important to mention. Among them are Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Ultimate Software, Airbnb, Microsoft, Riot Games, Accenture, Salesforce, Hyland Software, Cisco, Adobe and Worldwide Technology.
Morgan states that these are in the top 15 of the experiential companies, because they know who their employees are, what they want and what makes them feel good. With this knowledge, they are redesigned to be places where people don't have to, but want to go to work.
If you are looking to implement this methodology in your organization, do not hesitate to write to us at this contact form and we will be happy to help you and your collaborators.